sabato 6 aprile 2013

He must. He must!

"Now he must take me in his arms. He must. He must!’ The deepest of her instincts came to the surface, from beneath layers of thought hardly known to her. She could feel his arms round her: she had in her nostrils the peculiar scent of his hair—like the scent of the skin of an apple, but very faint. ‘You must! You must!’ she said to herself. There came back to her overpoweringly the memory of their drive together and the moment, the overwhelming moment, when, climbing out of the white fog into the blinding air, she had felt the impulse of his whole body towards her and the impulse of her whole body towards him. A sudden lapse: like the momentary dream when you fall…She saw the white disk of the sun over the silver mist and behind them was the long, warm night..."

Ford Madox Ford
Parade's End

The structure of the novel is, indeed, very difficult to follow(a nightmare!), but I think I'm deeply in love with it anyway.

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