martedì 29 maggio 2012

A scandal in Baftavia

Good British people, 
I love your country so much and I will love it forever, but please help me understand because I don't. I really don't.
I was so thrilled for the BAFTAS last night, but now I'm extremely disappointed: Celebrity Juice? ARE YOU SERIOUS? How could you possibly vote a QUIZ SHOW and not the wonderful Sherlock? You are so lucky, there's so much quality on your TV and you don't have to bear horrible italian fictions all the time! The result of the You Tube Audience Award was ABSURD and UNFAIR, just like some of the BAFTA winners of course: I didn't watch Appropriate adult and I'm sure Mr West gave a great performance, but for me he's just another Jean Dujardin, very good perhaps, but not terrific. 

Benedict was terrific in Sherlock and deserved so much to win, he deserved it since Hawking(2004!) and now it's his 4th nomination: I know he doesn't need an award to prove his talent, but It's enough don't you think? He's always so modest and humble, perhaps one of the best actors and the most human being I've ever seen in a long time(like John would say) and I know I praise him a lot, but he deserves every single praise. I watched the Show just to see him triumph and then I had to look at his sad face, the LEONARDO DI CAPRIO's face(If you watched Golden Globes you know what I mean) and I screamed so high my NOOOOO that everybody woke up at home! Unacceptable. 

We can save at least the supporting Actor Award to Andrew Scott(I thought Watson did a better job, but Andrew is great anyway) and the Special Award for creative writing on television to the "Master", The Magnificent and brilliant Moff, presented by Benedict Cumberbatch and Matt Smith: the ideal crossover, Sherlock and the Doctor together on stage, the best moment of the Ceremony, THE MOMENT.

I have to go now, but if the Brits could help me with this delicate matter, it would be really appreciated.

7 commenti:

  1. As I already said in my blog, I couldn't agree more with you, it's A REAL SCANDAL !!!

  2. E' dispiaciuto anche a me... ma si sa che spesso e volentieri i risultati di queste premiazioni non sono mai completamente giusti... Bisogna sperare che la prossima volta vada meglio!

    Sono contenta per Andrew Scott: adoro il suo Jim Moriarty!

    1. come dicevo sopra: #BenedictIsOurWinner!
      Secondo me la performance di Martin Freeman, misurata e trattenuta nel rendere il devastante dolore dell'introverso Watson, avrebbe meritato di più, ma indubbiamente Scott è stato un grande Villain!

  3. I'm used to this kind of disappointment. I've followed the BAFTA TV Award Ceremony in the last few years and NEVER, NEVER one of my favourites won!
    But they will have their revenge ... sshhhsshhh... when they win the Oscar, they won't thank their native country! FXX to greater success some other time, somewhere else!

    1. To the Oscars then! They will have their revenge or their fans will avenge them!:)

  4. molto contenta per Andrew Scott, in fondo Martin Freeman lo aveva già vinto lo scorso anno, ma la carognata fatta a Benedict non l'ho ancora digerita dopo una settimana :(
