domenica 29 aprile 2012

I Know a Lot About Love

"You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn't true. I know a lot about love. I've seen it, centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable. All those wars. Pain, lies, hate... It made me want to turn away and never look down again. But when I see the way that mankind loves... You could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful. So yes, I know that love is unconditional. But I also know that it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing, and... What I'm trying to say, Tristan is... I think I love you. Is this love, Tristan? I never imagined I'd know it for myself. My heart... It feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it's trying to escape because it doesn't belong to me any more. It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I'd wish for nothing in exchange - no gifts. No goods. No demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you loved me too. Just your heart, in exchange for mine."

domenica 22 aprile 2012

Poet's corner

"...So through the darkness and the cold we flew,
And not a voice was idle. With the din,
Meanwhile, the precipices rang aloud;
The leafless trees and every icy crag
Tinkled like iron; while the distant hills
Into the tumult sent an alien sound
Of melancholy, not unnoticed, while the stars,
Eastward, were sparkling clear, and in the west
The orange sky of evening died away."

William Wordsworth
from The Prelude

sabato 21 aprile 2012

The Borgias 2x02: Paolo

è dedicato soprattutto a Paolo, giovane stalliere degli Sforza e padre del figlio di Lucrezia, il secondo episodio che ha segnato il ritorno di The Borgias su Showtime.

Il giorno dopo i costosi festeggiamenti organizzati per celebrare il ritrovamento degli antichi manufatti, il Papa(Jeremy Irons) ha un dolce risveglio nello scoprire che, complice l'ebbrezza del vino, nel suo letto hanno dormito sia l'amante Giulia Farnese(Lotte Verbeek) che Vittoria, la ragazza che si nasconde in abiti maschili per poter diventare un'artista: l'incontro con quest'ultima, popolana e di poveri mezzi, spingerà Rodrigo Borgia ad avventurarsi in incognito per le strade di Roma, dandogli la possibilità di scoprire quanto siano degradate le condizioni di vita degli abitanti e quanto male sia stato amministrato il denaro delle casse dello stato; per restituire benessere al suo popolo, Papa Alessandro VI affida a Giulia Farnese il compito di riorganizzare le finanze da destinare alla beneficenza, contro l'opinione di funzionari convinti che l'unica cosa che una donna sia capace di contare siano i suoi figli.

giovedì 19 aprile 2012

Back to Titanic

Qual è il tuo film preferito?Per molti sarà la domanda più facile del mondo, ma per la sottoscritta si traduce in momento di panico assoluto: avere delle preferenze è inevitabile e necessario, ma fra le tante luminose stelle nella galassia cinematografica fermarsi a guardarne una sola è davvero troppo difficile. 
Se qualcuno mi chiedesse invece quali film fanno parte della mia hit parade personale, non solo risponderei più volentieri, ma vi direi anche anche che fra i tanti in lista(richiederebbe un post a parte quindi rimandiamo i dettagli a un'altra occasione) un posto d'onore è occupato senza dubbio da Titanic di James Cameron.

il poster che da anni resiste alle intemperie nella mia stanza in esclusiva per voi...

sabato 14 aprile 2012

Tell me not that I am too late

"I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you.Unjust I may have been,weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath.
For you alone, I think and plan. Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes? I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others.
Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men.Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in F. W.
"I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look,will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house this evening or never."

giovedì 12 aprile 2012

The Borgias 2x01: the Borgia Bull

"We are family. We are one and we will only triumph as one!"

Dopo il buon successo di pubblico della prima stagione sul canale via cavo Showtime The Borgias torna sul network americano dall'8 aprile(ironia della sorte proprio il giorno di Pasqua),  con un episodio che annuncia  sviluppi assai più interessanti di quelli a cui la scrittura di Neil Jordan ci aveva abituato.

Non indugiando oltre nel presentare personaggi ormai familiari al pubblico, The Borgia Bull ci introduce subito in medias res col Cardinale Giuliano Della Rovere(Colm Feore), che dopo aver perso il sostegno del Re Carlo di Francia (Michel Muller) nella sua crociata per deporre Papa Alessandro VI sembra essere tornato a onorare il suo sacro officio, fino a quando è lo stesso vino della messa, prontamente avvelenato, a rischiare di ucciderlo: la guerra è solo all'inizio e il Cardinale Cesare Borgia(Francois Arnaud), è al suo capezzale pronto a ricordarglielo, perché è più saggio lavorare con La Famiglia che contro di essa.

mercoledì 11 aprile 2012

Keep breathing

"We both had done the math. Kelly added it all up and... knew she had to let me go. I added it up, and knew that I had... lost her. 'cos I was never gonna get off that island. I was gonna die there, totally alone. I was gonna get sick, or get injured or something. The only choice I had, the only thing I could control was when, and how, and where it was going to happen. So... I made a rope and I went up to the summit, to hang myself. I had to test it, you know? Of course. You know me. And the weight of the log, snapped the limb of the tree, so I-I - , I couldn't even kill myself the way I wanted to. I had power over *nothing*. And that's when this feeling came over me like a warm blanket. I knew, somehow, that I had to stay alive. Somehow. I had to keep breathing. Even though there was no reason to hope. And all my logic said that I would never see this place again. So that's what I did. I stayed alive. I kept breathing. And one day my logic was proven all wrong because the tide came in, and gave me a sail. And now, here I am. I'm back. In Memphis, talking to you. I have ice in my glass... And I've lost her all over again. I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly. But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island. And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?"

sabato 7 aprile 2012

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes

You are the hole in my head
You are the space in my bed
You are the silence in between
What I thought and what I said
You are the nighttime fear
You are the morning when it's clear
When it's over, you're the start
You're my head and you're my heart

No light, no light
In your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day
You can't choose what stays and what fades away
And I'd do anything to make you stay
No light, no light
Tell me what you want me to say

To the crowd I was crying out and
In your place there were a thousand other faces
I was disappearing in plain sight
Heaven help me, I need to make it right

You want a revelation
You want to get "right"
But it's a conversation
I just can't have tonight
You want a revelation
Some kind of resolution
You want a revelation

No light, no light
In your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day
You can't choose what stays and what fades away
And I'd do anything to make you stay
No light, no light
Tell me what you want me to say

Would you leave me
If I told you what I'd done?
And would you leave me
If I told you what I'd become?
'Cause it's so easy
To say it to a crowd
But it's so hard, my love
To say it to you out loud

No light, no light
In your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day
You can't choose what stays and what fades away
And I'd do anything to make you stay
No light, no light
Tell me what you want me to say

You want a revelation
You want to get "right"
But it's a conversation
I just can't have tonight
You want a revelation
Some kind of resolution
You want a revelation

You want a revelation
You want to get "right"
But it's a conversation
I just can't have tonight
You want a revelation
Some kind of resolution
Tell me what you want me to say

sorry, I couldn't resist.

giovedì 5 aprile 2012

Peter Pan

"I do believe in fairies, I do! I do!" 

Tutti i bambini, salvo uno, crescono: la storia di Peter Pan, primo e forse vero unico mito del ventesimo secolo, ha conosciuto fra grande e piccolo schermo un'infinità di trasposizioni, ma solo poche possono davvero vantare la giusta fedeltà all'opera originale; una di queste, l'ultima realizzata finora, è senza dubbio la versione firmata nel 2003 da P. J. Hogan(il matrimonio del mio migliore amico), che raccoglie senza esitazione l'eredità del personaggio creato dalla magica penna di James Matthew Barrie.

Senza dimenticare il passato ma egualmente determinato a perseguire una propria e indipendente visione, Hogan riesce nell'impresa di raccontare le arcinote avventure del bambino che non voleva crescere come se le  stessimo vedendo per la prima volta, complice una straordinaria resa visiva e una caratterizzazione dei personaggi che non ha timore di scavare in profondità, restituendo alla più incantevole delle fiabe la metafora dell'arduo e difficile cammino verso l'età adulta.