giovedì 27 gennaio 2011

A prayer

"Merciful God, we commit our friends - [...]- to You. We have no more prayers, no more tears; we have run out of blood. Choose another people. We have paid for each of Your commandments; we have covered every stone and field with ashes. Sanctify another land. Choose another people. Teach them the deeds and the prophesies. Grant us but one more blessing: take back the gift of our holiness. Amen. " 

lunedì 24 gennaio 2011

love at first light

I think I'm in love with Prague ...

sabato 15 gennaio 2011


"Once, man and those in the water were linked. They inspired us. They spoke of the future. Man listened and it became real. But man does not listen very well. Man's need to own everything led him deeper into land. The magic world of the ones that lived in the ocean... and the world of men... separated. Through the centuries, their world and all the inhabitants of it... stopped trying. The world of man became more violent. War upon war played out, as there were no guides to listen to. Now those in the water are trying again... trying to reach us. A handful of their precious young ones have been sent into the world of man. They are brought in the dead of night... to where man lives. They need only be glimpsed... and the awakening of man will happen. But their enemies roam the land. There are laws that are meant to keep the young ones safe... but they are sent at great risk to their lives. Many... do not return. Yet still they try... try to help man. But man may had forgotten how to listen... "

giovedì 6 gennaio 2011

questione di coerenza

" Colsalvo : Signori mio programma ha un solo merito : quello della brevità . Permettetevi di ricordarvi un piccolo episodio...allorchè Garibaldi venne ospitato in questo stesso monastero . Allora io ero ragazzo ... e Quando gli altri novizi mi additarono l'eroe dei due mi feci avanti e vidi a pochi metri da me...quel biondo arcangelo della libertà . Sapete intento a fare cosa ? - A pregare. -
cittadino :Garibaldi l'anticristo !Pregare?Questa Non l' avevo mai sentita!
Colsalvo : io auguro la formazione di un partito capace di darci l' ordine all'interno...e la pace con l'estero . Che protegga i anche la Chiesa , che realizzi riforme ... ma che conservi anche le tradizioni . ll passato e l'avvenire . Machiavelli ma anche Bacone !E Dopo aver studiato Proudhon sono convinto che la proprietà è un furto . Ci sono tuttavia...delle proprietà che dobbiamo riconoscere legittime . Viva il Re ! Viva la Rivoluzione ! Viva sua Santità ! "

non vi suona familiare?

martedì 4 gennaio 2011

A father's love

" you must know that the fundamental building block of our society... is the family... whose very model is the Holy family... Jesus, Mary and Joseph . How can you , as a single father and as a Catholic ... possibly claim to bring up your children without a mother ? There is absolutely no precedent for it ... in the religion in which you allegedly believe . Cat got your tongue ... Mr. Doyle?
Desmond Doyle : There is....There is a precedent, as you'd like to call it . What are you saying? The fundamental building block of our faith is not the Holy family... it's the Holy Trinity.The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit . When my mother died ... my father brought us up on his own ... with only the Holy Spirit to guide him . He used to say the Holy Spirit was love . Doesn't the Holy Bible say,''... faith, hope and love ... ''but the greatest of these is love''. l've given up the drink . l've worked all the hours God sends . l've become a better person to try and fill myself with the Holy Spirit ... so l can bring my kids up surrounded by love . That's all l can do . No man can do more . "