giovedì 30 dicembre 2010

The chronicles of Narnia : the voyage of the Dawn Treader

" Lucy : Aslan?
Aslan : What did you do, child?
Lucy : I do not know , but it was awful .
Aslan : You have chosen yourself, Lucy.
Lucy : I did none of that , I wanted just as nice as Susan.Nothing more.
Aslan : You wished yourself away , and so much more .. your brothers and sisters would Narnia do not even know if you were not around . You have as first discovered remember?
Lucy : I'm sorry.
Aslan : You doubt your own value , do not walk away for who you are . "

Le feste natalizie generano strane creature sul grande schermo : regalandoci un breve se pur fondamentale periodo di evasione prima che l'anno vecchio si chiuda alle nostre spalle e tutto ricominci freneticamente da capo , sono un' occasione unica per una o più visioni cinematografiche da godersi con maggior piacere , scatenando di contro al botteghino una guerra che specialmente in Italia assume strane proporzioni ; fra i tanti spettatori partecipanti , molti preferiscono svuotare la testa con un bel cinepattone più o meno ridanciano , mentre altri che non vogliano affidare i figli alla maschera per potersi vedere in santa pace Christian De Sica o semplicemente per proprio gusto scelgono di partire alla volta di luoghi fuori dal tempo dove nessuno possa trovarli insieme a buoni sentimenti e rassicuranti conclusioni : se appartenete alla seconda categoria " Le cronache di Narnia - il viaggio del veliero " è sicuramente il vostro film delle feste .

martedì 28 dicembre 2010

there's a place for us

There’s a place out there for us,
More than just a prayer or anything we ever dreamed of.
So if you feel like giving up cause you don’t fit in down here,
Fear is crashing in, close your eyes and take my hand.
We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.
It’s written in the stars that shine above,
A world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong,
Exactly who we are is just enough
Yes there’s a place for us, there’s a place for us.
(..) meet the sky,
Where your heart is free and hope comes back to life,
Where these broken hands are whole again,
We will find what we’ve been waiting for,
We were made for so much more
We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.
It’s written in the stars that shine above,
A world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong,
Exactly who we are is just enough,
Yes there’s a place for us, now there’s a place for us
So hold on, now hold on,
There’s a place for us
We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.
It’s written in the stars that shine above,
A world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong,
Exactly who we are is just enough, exactly who we are is just enough,
There’s a place for us.
(Carrie Underwood)

sabato 25 dicembre 2010

a very Wall-e Christmas

Thank God it's Christmas!
Yes it's Christmas!
Thank God it's Christmas!!!!
Let it be Christmas!Everyday....

venerdì 24 dicembre 2010

Empty hands

"Jo:Someone's publishing my book! Hanna! Someone's publishing my book. How did it arrive?
Hanna:A foreign gentleman brought it. Strange kind of name... "Fox" or "Bear"...
Jo:- Did you ask him to wait?
Hanna:I thought it was one of Miss Amy's European friends... I said Miss March and Mr. Laurie
are living next door. He said he had a train to catch.
Jo:Friedrich ! Thank you for my book. When I didn't hear from you I thought you hated it.
Friedrich:oh no ,no.Reading it was like opening a window to your heart . James Fields took it out of my hands and would not give it back. I said , Such news I have to give to her myself . Well, it was a silly impulse.
Jo:- No, not silly at all. It's so good to see you.
Jo:Come and meet my family!
Friedrich:Thank you, but I have to catch a train. I'm going to the West. My ship leaves from Boston tomorrow morning. The schools in the West are young. They need professors, and... ...they're not concerned about the accent.
Jo:I don't mind it, either. My aunt left me Plumfield. It isn't a fieldIt's a house.It's a rather large house. All it's good for everything such a school . And I want a good school . One that's open to anyone who wants to learn. I'll be needing someone who knows how to teach. there's nothing I might say to keep you here ?
Friedrich : I confess... I was hoping I might have a reason to stay, but... Congratulations on the celebration of your marriage.
Jo : Oh, no! That's Amy. My sister, Amy, and Laurie actually. I'm not married !Please don't go so far away.
Friedrich : Jo... Such a little name for... such a person. Will you have me?
Jo : With all of my heart.
Friedrich : But I have nothing to give you . My hands are empty.
Jo: not empty now.

mercoledì 22 dicembre 2010

Nowhere boy

"Headmaster :You'll be lucky to find a job on the docks because you're going nowhere .
Here at Quarry Bank generally... nowhere.
John : Is "nowhere" full of geniuses, sir? Because then I probably do belong there! "

Quando " Shakespeare in love" arrivò nei cinema fu largamente apprezzato da pubblico e critica , ma nel raccontare la possibile genesi di Romeo e Giulietta attraverso gli occhi un giovane e affascinante William Shakespeare aveva senza saperlo inaugurato una nuova forma di biopic : il racconto della vita dell ' illustre personaggio di turno attraverso gli eventi più significativi della sua esistenza come diretta fonte d' ispirazione delle sue grandi imprese future . L ' idea era originale , ma ormai è stata saccheggiata talmente tanto da non fare più scalpore : Moliere , Jane Austen , Beatrix Potter , John Keats , James Mattew Barrie , Andie Warhol sono passati tutti attraverso questo filtro con le loro creature , ed era solo questione di tempo prima che un regista volgesse l ' obiettivo verso qualcuno che aveva parecchio da dire su sè stesso : John Lennon .

There's no place like London. INDEED.

Fino a poco tempo fa Londra era solo una nuvola dolce e zuccherata come tante, un rifugio in un cantuccio su cui fantasticare e sognare ad occhi aperti nei momenti bui. Poi un giorno la vedi e scopri che la sua magia è reale e diventa una meravigliosa febbre dalla quale non puoi e non vuoi guarire. Certamente le fantastiche vetrine natalizie di Harrods di ques'anno a tema Peter Pan ( primo libro che ho letto seriamente in vita mia e mio mito preferito di tutti i tempi) non aiutano.
There's no place like London. INDEED.

giovedì 16 dicembre 2010

Jane's gift

"Mme. Bigeon: My friend in Paris has read a wonderful new book called 'Raison and Sensibilite'
Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility?
Mme. Bigeon: My friend says, whoever the woman is who wrote this book, she knows more about love than anyone else in the world .
Jane Austen: Like someone who can't cook writing a recipe book .
Mme. Bigeon: Passion is for the young. It fades so quickly.
Jane Austen: Not in our dreams .
Mme. Bigeon: Comfort remains, friendship remains, if you are lucky as I was.
Jane Austen: Happiness in marriage remains a matter of chance .
Mme. Bigeon: But the fuss we make about who to choose. And love still dies and money still vanishes. And, spinster, lover, wife, every woman has regrets. So we read about your heroines and feel young again. And in love. And full of hope. As if we can make that choice again.
Jane Austen: And do it right this time .
Mme. Bigeon: This is the gift which God has given you.
Mme. Bigeon: It is enough, I think . "
(from Miss Austen regrets , bbc )

Happy birthday Ms Austen!